• I block pretty liberally

  • Genshin Impact + Golden Kamuy fans are likely to be softblocked.

  • I'm a cult survivor (exmo). I'm pretty open to talking about my experience, if you're respectful.

  • Don't call me slurs or feminine terms without my permission. I'm a real person wtf is wrong with you.

  • If you don't read my byf I will know.

  • AOT/DSMP/BTS/Black Butler/Homestuck fans DNI.

  • This blog cares about transfems-- terfs and transandrophobia truthers fuck off

  • I hope every proshipper on earth dies and you can quote me on that.





art i've commissioned from others!

nobimaru by @valentining

nobimaru by @girlmoder

hinata by @fuwungi

nobimaru by @quezify

Umetaro + Nobimaru by @pcktknife

Kaminari + Ibara by @pcktknife

hinata by @evidol

monoma by @evidol

sister virtue by @citrus-sours

nobimaru by @capshinoart

nobimaru by @meatvomitt

iyo by @evidol

nobimaru by @4la

Shishida + Ibara by @pcktknife

vixenplume by @fatedheavylion

ibara by @evidol


  • other names include vixen, nyctereutes, atropa belladonna, and gabe

  • talk tag is "nyc knacks"

  • i have severe memory issues

  • 20

  • white

  • trans man (tme)

  • he/him

  • media interests: kemono jihen, devil's candy, yu-gi-oh

  • gen interests: poisons, zoology/biology, botany, ancient history, media analysis and meta, christianity*

  • *i don't practice christianity lol i have a strictly scholarly passion for the matter

please tag:

  • pregnancy, especially male pregnancy

  • yaoi jokes/anything that could be read as just straight fujo shit. same with homophobia in general

  • ouma kokichi

  • mass death/hunger games scenarios. things like squid game or the actual hunger games are fine so long as you aren't going super in depth about the death.

  • jjba

*brief mentions are usually fine, as is criticism, it's just in-depth talk that really fucking gets me going

current banger: (flashing warning)
